For A Woman That Wants Lively, Radiant, And More Beautiful Eyes…
How I Revitalized My Old,
Worn-Out, And Tired Eyes
To New Vibrant, Youthful, And Sparkling Ones By Removing 20 Years Of Aging In Just Days Using the “Firm-Lift Complex" Secret
Discover How Thousands of Women Are Transforming Their Eyes By Lifting, Firming, And Depuffing Them, Making Their Gaze More Beautiful Than Ever
...just like these women…
My name's Linda Hall...
And in my mid 40’s is when I realized that I wasn’t going to be young forever…
…That I could no longer hide the bags under my eyes, the creases forming around them, or the sagging skin that began to accumulate.
They say some women age, and others age gracefully…
…I wasn’t one of the lucky ones, and the thought of settling, surrendering and just giving up crossed my mind more than once.
…to accept the wrinkles, the sagging skin and the tired eyes that made me look like something I’d always dreaded looking like: an old woman .
I told myself to be "proud of my wisdom wrinkles" and how I'd "earned" those laugh lines...
And my eyes? just finally acknowledge them for what they'd become... dull, tired, and sunken eyes.
For as long as I can remember it’s always been about my eyes...
Because when I was younger, my eyes were one of my better features…
Even though I had great hair, full lips and my weight stayed pretty stable, my eyes were my biggest asset and I knew how to use them. They’d opened many doors for me, both romantically and professionally.
So I showcased my eyes for the jewels they once were…
They told the world how independent I was, the unlimited potential I had, and revealed my resilient spirit.
...but as I got older I found myself doing everything I could just to keep what little sparkle I had left in them…
…And the sparkle became less and less – until I found this unique 2-minute technique…
…to a vibrant, lively and refreshed gaze that gave my eyes the sparkle that I thought I’d lost.
See, when I noticed wrinkles starting to show in my late 20’s, that was ok, because I still had great hair…
…and then when I turned 30, my hair started thinning, and that was manageable too because I just changed my hairstyle – I still had my beautiful and vibrant looking eyes…
But into my 40’s, my eyes began to look older because the skin around them began to droop, and bags became more noticeable under them… my eyes were becoming dull, like they’d lost their brilliance and just became tired looking…
I always felt that the depth of our beauty is measured by the depth of our eyes…
Because when someone looks into your eyes they see so much of you. They see the whole you…
They see vibrance…
They see liveliness…
They see confidence…
The magic that a captivating and beautiful gaze can project, hides many imperfections…
And so when my eyes became dull, worn-out, and tired looking they couldn’t really see “ me ” any more.
All they saw was an unexciting, lethargic, and timid version of me.
And when I accepted this, I knew all of a sudden I’d run out of options, I felt like I'd lost myself.
So I used every makeup technique and trick I could to hide the under-eye bags, soften the crows feet, and highlight the corners of my eyes to make them look more awake and vibrant…
But makeup could only do so much, and too often, made the eyes look even worse because…
…instead of masking fine lines, the concealer settled into the creases and made them more noticeable…
…instead of enhancing the eyes, the eyeshadow made the eyes look smaller and drew attention to the sagging eyelids…
…and instead of softening the look of my eyes, the eyeliner made them look heavy and droopy…
Like I said, I came close to giving up, and I almost did...
…because I was trapped in a constant eye beauty regimen that felt never-ending, and never-working…
Until at 47 when I discovered this lifting, brightening and depuffing breakthrough that naturally restored my eyes to a youthful and radiant glow.
And the reason why I was able to stop with all those cosmetic tricks is because
…and in the next few minutes I’m going to share with you this little known breakthrough that allowed me to lift, tighten, and depuff the skin, to reveal beautifully sparkling and bright eyes.
Because whether you’re in your 30’s and beginning to notice under-eye bags and fine lines around the corners of your eyes…
…or you’re in your 70’s and have spent years struggling with droopy eyelids, deep-set creases around the eyes and extra skin build up in that region…
…you’ll see for yourself how this breakthrough instantly lifts, depuffs, and refreshes the area of your face where people always notice first - the eyes.
This Helped Me “Awaken” My Eyes By Lifting And Rejuvenating Them Into Bright, Full, And Sparkling Eyes
That I Thought I’d Never Have Again
…and it works regardless of your age or skin type because if you’re like I was: struggling with droopy eye-lids, under-eye bags with a less-than beautiful sparkle in them…
…then you can have eyes that reveal a more luminous, radiant and vibrant look, that convey a feeling of self-confidence, empowerment, and a new sense of graceful poise…
Because once you realize how easy it is to have fuller, livelier, and sparkling eyes, then you’ll never have to worry again about…
…using makeup tricks to try and conceal the creases and the bags under the eyes…
…feeling like you’re more tired than you really are because of how worn-out your eyes look
…or being labeled “the older woman” in the group…
And if it wasn’t for a series of embarrassing moments on that day when I reconnected with my girlfriend from school, I’m certain I never would have discovered the “Firm-Lift Complex” method.
Because that day was the tipping point for me…
And looking back, the events that took place that day seemed almost to be divine intervention, but it hurt so much it felt more like it was cruel fate.
Yet, it also…
…led me to ultimately discover the breakthrough that transformed my “time-worn eyes” into youthful, radiant and beautiful eyes in only 7 days and what I’m about to share with you next could help YOU do the same too…
Because back in March of last year I found myself in an embarrassing situation that I swore I’d never let happen to me again…
I was getting ready that afternoon to meet one of my dearest friends, whom I hadn’t seen in person for almost 12 years and I was feeling a little insecure…
And it wasn’t because of my typical insecurities by the way…
…it was because of Jenna, who I love like a sister…
…but ever since we were kids I'd always been compared to her.
Everything from school grades, to boyfriends, to ultimately how I looked… seemed to always be compared to Jenna, and my mother never let me forget about it.
And I had dinner scheduled that night with her.
So when we met at the restaurant…
…and the maître d', looked up and asked us in a welcoming voice – just before his face turned almost as red as mine just had…
OMG, I thought, it’s happening again…
…it wasn’t the first time I felt humiliated in front of Jenna and as it turned out wouldn’t be the last because dinner hadn’t even started yet…
You see, Jenna had always been stunning, and back in school we were inseparable, people actually thought we were sisters… but really we were best friends.
And she was like that one woman you know, or know of, that never seems to really age…
The last time we saw each other in person was 12 years ago at a coffee shop while she was traveling through town on business...
And what I noticed then, was how our once “twin-like resemblance” began to change…
…because I’d started to show signs of aging in the form of new wrinkles and my skin was losing some of its elasticity, while Jenna continued looking fabulous.
Well, that was 12 years ago…
How much more of a contrast would be noticed this time at dinner?
And so, I spent extra time getting ready for the evening and did my best to hide the wrinkles with primer and foundation, then camouflaged the dark circles under my eyes with a concealer…
…plus I used every trick I knew to spruce up my eyes to try and make them sparkle once again…
Before leaving the house I took one last look in the mirror by my front door. I'd done my best, but my reflection still clearly showed all of my 47 years.
So I couldn’t help but think, is Jenna going to look any different?
Has time finally caught up to her as well?
…and then I wondered, would anyone even care or notice how I looked that night?
When I got to the restaurant and saw Jenna she looked even better than I remembered , and what I immediately noticed were her eyes… because her eyes had that “sparkle” and they looked rejuvenated and luminous…
…I thought maybe she had “work” done to them…
But at that moment I admit, I also felt a wave of insecurity because I looked noticeably older than Jenna…
…ashamed because I couldn't help but feel inferior next to Jenna's ageless appearance…
…and a twinge of envy, even a little resentment, wondering why time had been so kind to Jenna but not to me.
So when we went up to the maître d' and he asked… “Is this a special occasion, or just a regular ‘ Mother-Daughter ‘dinner?” My heart sank and I felt a wave of embarrassment come over me…
…I was being mistaken as Jenna’s mother!
And throughout dinner as strangers passed by us, all I got was a quick glance while the lingering stares were all reserved for Jenna… I even overheard two men chatting up about how “hot” Jenna looked…
I’d be lying if I said I had a wonderful time, I mean it was great to see Jenna again, but inside I was carrying a lot of hurt, embarrassment, and self-pity… so I did my best to just make it through dinner.
Yet, little did I know that just a week later…
…I’d find myself on the West Coast in California discovering this revolutionary breakthrough that would rejuvenate my eyes, restoring them to radiant, sparkling eyes like I had 20 years earlier…
...In fact, all you have to do is this one simple thing that will allow you to have bright, youthful eyes…
Just like these women…
Two days passed after the "big embarrassment dinner", I was sitting on my couch, scrolling through other peoples happy lives…
And I began to reflect on how I'd aged over the years and how my eyes had lost their “magic sparkle”...
You know, I never thought this would be how my life would turn out…
…and my biggest fear was becoming reality… loneliness.
So I sat there by myself waiting for something, anything , to happen... and then something actually did…
My phone rang.
“Hey Linda, it’s me Jenna… I felt like we could’ve spent more time together, like we had more we needed to talk about… I’d love it if you could make it out to San Diego.”
Jenna suggested I come spend the weekend with her in San Diego. She even offered her frequent flier miles for my trip, and that of course, I could stay with her.
And so I thought about it and normally I’d make up an excuse and decline, but Jenna was persistent…she said she had something I had to experience in person and that…
“it will dramatically improve your life in more ways than one, but most importantly it will improve your complexion.”
It was her new “beauty secret” that I had to experience in person.
I didn’t know it yet, but I was about to discover Jenna’s approach to her skincare routine that had
Without any further hesitation, I excitedly packed a weekend bag for a Friday morning flight to San Diego.
And my thoughts wandered, and I allowed them to consider…
What if…
…What if Jenna’s youthful glow didn’t have anything to do with her genetics like I thought?
…What if her “beauty secret” could help me regain voluminous, refreshed, and revitalized eyes like I had years before?
Because by transforming my eyes to reveal a vibrant, healthier, and rejuvenated look…
…I’d feel more self-confident, positive, and empowered…
…and then I’d be more outgoing, more at ease, and more secure with myself in social situations.
Because as much as I searched for a solution, NOTHING WORKED…
Until I found the breakthrough that THOUSANDS of WOMEN are now using to fight back against under-eye bags, droopy eyelids and crows feet…
Just like Barbara did at age 59…
Jenna picked me up at the airport later that afternoon and we went back to her house.
And as we got comfortable on her couch we reminisced about our college days, the summer job we had at that beach-side cafe, and the fun we enjoyed in our younger days…
"You were always there to tell me to move on, or to give the guy another chance"... Jenna remembered, and then so often that advice turned into a night of ice cream and chick flicks...
And after a long day of traveling and "truly" catching up this time, we decided to turn in.
But tomorrow, well, tomorrow was going to become a turning point for me because I was about to discover the secret to having radiant, sparkling, and youthful eyes...
The next morning we had breakfast on the patio...
And sitting outside enjoying perfect weather and planning out our day, as much as I was looking forward to some sightseeing in San Diego, all I could think about was what Jenna told me on the phone... I wanted to know her secret and how she was able to look decades younger than her real age.
As if Jenna was reading my mind she said, "Linda, I'm so glad we spent last night catching up... and about that night with the maitre de... I just felt terrible about the ‘Mother-Daughter’ comment he made"...
And then she began to tell me about her husband John's "breakthrough" that transformed her skin into a firmer, smoother and vibrant complexion that made her look 15 and even 20 years younger than she was.
And just then, John came out on the patio and joined us...
You see, San Diego is a big hub for Biotech and John had been involved with some of the most cutting-edge developments in science for the last 10 years. So when Jenna told me John had discovered something revolutionary in anti-aging, I wasn't surprised at all... I was anxious to find out more!
Turning to John I asked him, “Jenna looks 20 years younger and told me you’d made a discovery in anti-aging… and that it could work for me too, is that true?”
John smiled and then asked me, “if you could wave a wand and change one thing, what would it be?”
That was easy for me… “my eyes”, I said… “because the eyes are what everyone notices first”.
And then I went on to explain how I wanted my eyes to once again sparkle like they did in my 20’s, the crows feet to be erased, the puffiness, the under-eye bags to go away and the skin around my eyes to tighten and firm up...
That’s when John drew his chair closer, leaned in and said “Linda, not only is that possible, but science has made it a reality…
Then John said…
“you’re right about eyes being the first to show signs of aging,
especially for women… but it's not the reason you think it is”...
He went on and said, “the skin around the eyes is the first area of the face to lose proteins”...and those proteins,Collagen and Elastin, are what gives the skin its firmness and elasticity”.
He explained that lower levels of these proteins led to skin drooping and sagging – and this was just just one of the reasons that led to under-eye bags…
Then I thought… Well, I was already taking supplements that included collagen and elastin…
…but John said that no matter how many supplements I took, the thin, sensitive and fragile skin around the eyes couldn’t get the nutrients I actually needed, certainly not by ingesting any pills.
So John's breakthrough had nothing to do with pills or taking supplements…
And then he went on to explain how squinting and even blinking over time caused wrinkles in women as early as their 30's, when their collagen and elastin levels first begin to decrease… and even though these were just “fine lines", this is important because…
…what was also discovered is that these wrinkles, which become "creases" in the skin, affect the blood flow “path” of oxygen and nutrients to the skin surrounding the eyes…
…If You Have Crows Feet, Loose Skin Around Your Eyes Or Under-Eye Bags – Chances Are You Might Be One Of These Women
What happens, John said, is a phenomenon researchers call the “Skin Degradation Loop" ... or “SDL” for short.
You see, once SDL begins,
Here’s what happens with SDL…
…as women age their circulation slows down, and with decreased circulation, the blood that carries essential oxygen and important nutrients don't get to all areas of the thin eye skin...
On top of that, with decreased levels of collagen and elastin, the fine lines you first notice around the corners of your eyes deepen and become wrinkles…
…and then those wrinkles become “creases” which further disrupt efficient blood flow, resulting in less oxygen and nutrients causing even more wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles…
Once SDL begins, then it’s a downward spiral that advances aging in the skin which leads to more wrinkles, puffiness and skin sagging…
“To understand SDL” , John said, “Picture a garden”
…And in that garden are hoses supplying water to each plant. And when the hoses are laid out straight, water flows freely, and all the plants get the water they need….
…But now, imagine kinks in those hoses… When that happens, some plants don’t get enough water to grow, making them suffer or not grow properly…
It’s the same when wrinkles form in the skin, blood flow carrying nutrients becomes restricted because of those wrinkles... affecting skin health and vitality.
Basically the wrinkles cause a barrier (like a kink in a hose), limiting blood flow so that the nutrients needed to repair, rejuvenate and regenerate the skin around the eyes – never get there.
This “loop” just continues so that wrinkles continue getting deeper, skin sags even more, and puffiness like under-eye bags become more prevalent.
John added,
Once the Skin Degradation Loop, (SDL) begins, then the skin surrounding the eyes becomes weathered, dull, and drained looking.
I didn’t have to ask John if I had SDL, it was obvious so I grew concerned…
But then John pointed out that…
“Many women have SDL which causes under-eye bags, droopy skin
and crows feet, they just don’t know it by name”...
On top of that, SDL was most common in the skin surrounding the eyes because of these two main reasons:
First, the eye skin was extremely thin, causing wrinkles to easily form…
…and second, the dense collection of blood vessels in the skin surrounding the eyes were more vulnerable to “congestion”, in other words, a build-up of blood stuck in the vessels because of reduced circulation.
That’s the bad news.
“But the good news is science has shown us how to
break that loop and stop SDL in its tracks…
And if SDL can be stopped and even reversed…
…then that means circulation, “blood flow”, can resume properly and deliver much needed oxygen and “skin repairing nutrients” to the skin.
…and once the skin receives those nutrients, then the thin skin around the eyes can begin repairing itself to start the rejuvenation process allowing you to have…
…radiant and youthful
eyes that sparkle…
…smoother skin with
fewer wrinkles…
…and the elimination of under-eye bags.
John continued… “So I set out to identify the elements to STOP SDL so that women could once again experience soft, smooth skin like they had in their youth”.
…But it wasn't just any formulation and you’ll never see this being used on any “off the shelf” products such as anti-aging creams, serums, or lotions.
The reason being, is the process for formulating products like this is costly and it would take an average eye cream into the hundreds of dollars per bottle range…because John only sourced the purest, premium, and highest grade ingredients…
…which meant that he could create the most effective, superior and safest formulation.
This formulation was based on the idea of first increasing blood circulation, because if nutrients are easier to transport to damaged areas of the skin, then repairing and rejuvenating the skin can begin…
…and when that happens the active ingredients are then absorbed and used by the skin so it can address the puffiness, wrinkles and drooping skin… that’s why even though some products might have high quality ingredients, your skin can’t absorb them.
His first challenge was the ‘skin to muscle’ relationship” that the skin had with corresponding muscles around the eye area.
You see, the muscles surrounding the eyes play a big role in blood circulation. Because as we age, that skin becomes less responsive to muscles… and this is a problem because it results in a decrease of blood flow.
“So I first identified compounds that helped maintain a proper balance for the skin and underlying muscles…to promote better circulation”
And so John began, his first ingredient was…
Ingredient 01
Sodium Hyaluronate
“The first element I chose was a moisturizing form of Hyaluronic Acid (HA), but a very specific type… it’s called Sodium Hyaluronate and the big advantage is that the size of its molecules are much smaller than generic Hyaluronic Acid…” and this is important because the smaller molecules found in Sodium Hyaluronate penetrates the skin easier and is able to deliver hydration deeper into the skin… which moisturizers the skin at its lowest layers.
Not only is it more effective at penetrating the skin for deeper hydration, but it also promotes faster healing, and what’s neat about that is, it helps the body to build more blood vessels in damaged areas… treating SDL at its core.
In fact a recent published study in the National Library of Medicine found Sodium Hyaluronate “helps to moisturize the skin and to improve elasticity, thereby decreasing the depth of wrinkles” which further supported my decision as one of the primary ingredients.
Next he needed to find an anti-inflammatory that could also improve circulation in the targeted areas of the eye's skin. And that, “led me to the Aloe plant, but I needed the enhanced aloe in its rawest and most natural state… so I selected the purest form of aloe available…”
Ingredient 02
Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice
The purest form of aloe, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, contains compounds like glycoproteins and polysaccharides which have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce puffiness and swelling around the eyes.
In addition to reducing puffy eyes, it also contains vitamins C and E which are antioxidants helping to protect the eyes skin from pollutants.
And then, so he could improve the skin elasticity around the eyes, he chose this next ingredient…
Ingredient 03
Citrus Aurantium Dulcis Callus Culture Extract (Orange Stem Cells)
Orange Stem Cells have made recent news in the anti-aging community because of a number of benefits… “What I loved about Orange Stem Cells is their ‘structural support’ they give to the skin cells, which has
And in addition, these stem cells improve the skin's texture making it smoother and more radiant and promotes new production of collagen and elastin in the delicate skin area around the eyes.
For the next ingredient he chose another stem cell that’s known for reducing wrinkles…
Ingredient 04
Calanthe Discolor Extract
(Orchid Stem Cells)
These stem cells are special because they truly fight anti-aging, and they do this by promoting cellular turnover and then stimulating new skin cell production.
But what they also do is “realign” the look of fatty deposits around the eyes so instead of settling into one region,
And on top of that, these stem cells enhance skin elasticity and firmness and also reduce dark circles and uneven skin tone around the eyes.
And then the final compound was specially selected because of it’s “instant” tightness and firming it does for the delicate eye skin, without leaving any flaky residue, because it absorbs beautifully into the skin.
John called this last compound his “Lift-Firming” blend…
Ingredient 05
Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Acacia Senegal Gum, Xanthan Gum
This blend of soy protein and gums work to The Lift-Firming blend improves skin firmness, elasticity, and revitalizes the skin for younger looking skin.
Excited about his formulation, John tested it, but the results fell short of his expectations.
So he went through his research again and studied the compounds of his formulation… but he still couldn’t understand why the ingredients weren't working, because in theory, the results should have been exceptionally firmer skin, increased skin tightness, less wrinkles and less puffiness…
You see, because of the richness of his formulations key ingredients, the sheer volume of the formula made it challenging for the skin to absorb it where it was needed most…
It was an absorption delivery issue he needed to solve, and if he could solve just that one thing, so that all the ingredients were utilized to fight SDL, then the formulation would smooth-out lines and wrinkles, depuff the eyes, and firm up the surrounding skin…
So he selected a compound with enhanced penetration that could help carry the load of the ingredients into the deeper layers of the skin…
Ingredient 06
Panthenol DL, provitamin B5
This compound was the missing piece needed to complete his formulation because now all of his selected ingredients could penetrate the skin and work as they were designed to do.
And what he also loved is that this provitamin B5 had other features that made the formulation feel so good to the skin… like its skin-soothing properties which made the formulation suitable for all skin types, even the most sensitive ones.
In fact the benefits of Panthenol DL provitamin B5 were heralded in a recent study published in Medical News Today because of its collagen and elastin producing qualities as well as “cell turnover” which replaces old cells with new cells in the deeper layers of the skin by “increasing cell turnover and fibroblast proliferation” and also “increase[ing] the mobility of proteins and lipids in dehydrated skin, improving its elasticity and hydration”.
Once John added this final compound he tested his formulation once again…because if this formulation worked, that meant that removing under-eye bags, puffiness, and “lifting” the area around the eyes would become reality for so many women.
…and that’s when he witnessed the incredible transformation happen for women that applied his cream to the area around their eyes..
John then placed a small bottle on the table…
“This is what I’ve been working on for the last few years, I call it the ‘Firm-Lift Complex’…”
And even though John’s formulation wasn’t on the market (you couldn’t buy it anywhere), he told me the bottle was for me to take home…
…and to apply the cream around the skin of my eyes once in the morning for 30 days and then let Jenna know how it works for me.
I really didn’t want to wait until I got home…
…and so after John left the house and before Jenna and I went sightseeing for the day, I took the bottle and went ahead and applied the cream for the first time…
And ever-so delicately, I smoothed the cream around my eyes just as John suggested.
The moment the cream touched my skin it felt velvety, rejuvenating and luxurious…
…and I felt it instantly absorb into my skin and hydrate it.
It was like a refreshing coolness sweeping under my eyes. And the cream seamlessly blended into my skin, feeling virtually weightless, and leaving no type of residue.
I felt a subtle sensation as the cream began working its magic with a
And as I gazed into the bathroom mirror, I had an immediate sense of joy and rejuvenation, and I realized much of it stemmed from the emotions washing over me because...
…at that moment I felt like I finally had hope.
My weekend with Jenna came to an end and I was back home with John’s Firm-Lift Complex in hand.
Now, I’ve never really been a morning person, but that was about to change quickly…
…because the first morning waking up after I’d applied John’s cream I noticed a difference.
And when I leaned closer into the mirror to really study my eyes, what I saw, I thought must be my imagination, or maybe my eyes hadn’t focused in yet, but…
…what I was looking at was very real and I noticed that my eyes were more refreshed because the crows feet had softened, and the puffiness wasn’t as severe as it usually was in the morning.
My transformation was just beginning and I was about to witness for myself how my eyes would once again have that vibrant radiance… and all I did was add this one thing to my daily routine.
And then as the days went by the skin around my eyes completely improved…
…and each day was better than the last because my eyes became more vibrant, refreshed and even began to “sparkle” like they did years ago.
It was because the puffiness was dramatically reduced and the eyes' skin was firming up. This cream was
And it only got better from there…
By the end of the first week the fine lines at the corners of my eyes were fading, the under-eye bags had dramatically lessened, and the skin around my eyes continued to tighten and gently firm up… and I began experiencing a confidence that I thought I’d never have again!
And then at the end of the first month I saw a significant reduction in my under-eye bags that were replaced with smoother skin and an even skin tone with almost no signs of any discoloration like I used to have under my eyes. The crows feet were all but gone and my skin felt firmer, more hydrated and healthier looking… and so I felt a sense of empowerment, excited to see the transformation continue!
And after the third month, my eyes were sparkling, radiant, and more youthful than they had been in so many years… I felt like the skin around my eyes had been restored and they looked absolutely amazing!
The difference I now had with my new radiant, revitalized, and refreshed eyes made me look years, even a decade or more, younger.
I’d finally felt like I had control back in my life and my self-confidence was now soaring…
…because with each passing day seeing the transformation from dull, weathered, and tired eyes, to… bright, refreshed, and energetic eyes boosted my self-esteem!
Then each moment resonated with positive energy…
And I found myself busier with girlfriends and, astonishingly, even met new friends!
And every one of those new friends, when I tell them my age, can’t believe it… they say I look 10 and even 15 or more years younger than I am.
I used to feel invisible walking into the local coffee shop, now I notice men checking me out… and I admit, I even smile back at some of them too!
The amazing thing about John’s Firm-Lift Complex is, I’m not the only woman that’s seen such incredible results…
Because Johns’ formulation has helped so many other women as well to revitalize their eyes, remove their under-eye bags, and “lift” the eyes to reveal a more radiant and luminous look.
Karen M, says she’s mistaken as a 30-something year old, and then everybody thinks she’s had “work done” once they find out her real age ( 54! )
Or 59 year old Mary L, who said “I became a homebody and dreaded leaving the house… my confidence was so low because I felt like the last 2 years I’d rapidly aged… but now, I feel like my complexion has been restored and I feel rejuvenated!”
Like 61 year old grandmother Sandra, who just after 2 weeks, is being told she looks 10 years younger… “when I tell them I’m a grandmother they don’t believe me, they tell me I’m too young to be one!”
You might think you've heard the best part, and how the results are so amazing right? Well it’s about to get even better…
Because this eye treatment is
…so whether you’re in your 30’s or 70’s, this eye cream will have dramatic effects on your complexion and your confidence. In fact, the older you are, the better this will work for you because this will deliver the nutrients your skin really needs.
And that’s important because I know what it's like to experience uncomfortable and even embarrassing situations and feel like there’s no hope… because you feel like there’s nothing you can do about it.
I used to be that same woman that tried everything to “spruce up” my eyes, soften the wrinkles and reduce the puffiness… and nothing ever worked until I found this.
Because after I discovered this “remarkable eye treatment”, I realized that I had a choice and didn’t have to settle for worn-out, tired and dull eyes anymore – and you don’t need to settle either.
Scientific studies prove how effective this
treatment is and the dramatic transformation
it can have for your eyes
There’s now science-backed evidence demonstrating just how incredible the ingredients are in this breakthrough…
In a recent study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, found that when it came to treating sagging skin and wrinkles, “the active treatment improved the skin sagging … and decreased the wrinkle depth and volume.”
Consider waking up each morning and then looking in the mirror and seeing the sagging skin around the eyes firm… and then noticing the wrinkles softening…
…you’ll feel like you’ve finally taken control back for the first time in a long time as you visibly see your eyes' skin improve.
And in just a moment I’ll show you how you can have results just like these women in just a few days from now…
But first check out what Harvard Health had to say…in an article written in 2020, it had noted that “Smaller HA molecules [like Sodium Hyaluronate],…can penetrate deeper into the skin”…and then “ increase[s] hydration within the skin”.
…and Harvard Health also noted in another article that [the ingredients], “can also improve the appearance of wrinkles and skin firmness”.
…and then further, “improving the look of sunken, dark, [and] under-eye circles”.
You see, what this all means is that it’s a groundbreaking advancement for women like you and me…
…it allows you to turn back the clock by rejuvenating your eyes and
the surrounding skin, making you look 10, 15 and even 20 years
younger than you really are.
Just look at these incredible beauty transformations and see for yourself…
You've seen the transformation firsthand with your own eyes!
These women have all reversed time by 10, 15, and even 20 years... and the reactions from their loved ones are a mix of astonishment and even a touch of envy.
In plain terms, this breakthrough has changed my life and has given me a youthful gaze I thought I’d never have…
… and I've tried everything else available – shelling out a fortune, only to be met with continual letdowns...
...yet THIS innovation was a game-changer for me. And before I discovered it, I seriously considered undergoing an “eye lift” surgery...
Thankfully, I never had to resort to any cosmetic procedures for my eyes, thanks to this breakthrough.
Like Lisa M . who just turned 62 , says “my chronic eye-bags used to make me look tired and worn-out… today the under-eye bags are gone, my coworkers are amazed at the transformation!”
And Cynthia , who at 58 says that in just days, she’s “gotten that sparkle back in my eyes”, and that “my skin's texture is smoother, tighter, and the fine lines are hardly noticeable”.
There’s also 62 year old Brenda D , who says everybody credits her “great genetics” for looking 20 years younger, though she says it’s all because of this breakthrough!
Now, every single one of these women came to John for his help…
But because of his responsibilities at the Biotech company he didn’t have the time needed in keeping up with new requests for his Firm-Lift Complex…
And so that’s when I asked Jenna if we could convince John to allow us to take his formulation and package it so we could share his breakthrough with other women that wanted to try it…
…because once I witnessed how effective this eye treatment is, I felt like women who were suffering from the same tired eyes, sagging skin, and under-eye bags like I had… should be able to get the same treatment I’d gotten.
So Jenna, John and I hopped on a Zoom call and when I turned my camera on, both John and Jenna smiled ear to ear!
John was first to comment, “Linda… your eyes look beautiful! …and the skin has firmed up nicely around them… and I don’t see any sagging or under-eye bags anymore”…
And Jenna even got a bit emotional because she knew where I was just a month earlier, not just how I felt about my appearance, but where my confidence had been… and then seeing how I looked and the confidence I now had.
When we got to the point of selling John's eye cream, he initially wasn’t interested because he wanted to keep his formulation available only to family and friends for the time being…
But when Jenna and I proposed that we'd manage the business aspects while John focused on the formulation, he warmed up to the idea. And the enthusiasm Jenna and I shared for collaborating on something we were both so passionate about was clearly evident to John too.
So we discussed and agreed to a process where we’d produce a set number of eye creams that would be available to women in the United States…
…but there was one catch.
And that one catch was something that John was adamant about if he was going to allow his revolutionary eye cream to be sold.
And frankly, Jenna and I wholeheartedly agreed because…
John wanted to hold nothing back in his formulation and told us that he’d been working on an enhanced version that would deliver even better results than the first batch of Firm-Lift Complex.
And the best part about this? John was able to leverage his connections in the Biotech community to produce this new formulation so that ANY WOMAN can afford it!
And this is why right now I’m going to give you the full details on it…
Hers Ageless Eye Cream
Hers Ageless Eye Cream is the only product in the world specifically designed with John’s Firm-Lift Complex breakthrough.
And it’s professionally manufactured in a secure “GMP certified” facility, which means that John's breakthrough product is produced with the highest industry standards of quality and safety.
And these ingredients have all been rigorously tested, have gone through clinical trials, and researched by leading scientists at some of the most prestigious universities in the world including Harvard University, John Hopkins University, and UCSD…
…and Hers Ageless Eye Cream contains no artificial colors and no overpowering scent.
So when you experience this cream for yourself…
…and once you apply it to the area framing your eyes, you’ll instantly feel a deep moisturizing and rejuvenating sensation and then the magic will begin because… Hers Ageless Eye Cream simply just works.
So well in fact that you’ll notice a difference in just days from now.
Because no matter your age, your skin type or whatever you’ve tried before, none of that matters because…
…Bottomline, this WILL work for you.
In fact, the first thing you’ll notice is that the puffiness around your eyes will diminish and be replaced with smoother and more even-toned skin… just like you had in your youth.
Next, you’ll start to see the fine lines literally erased from the corners of your eyes, as sagging skin gives way to firmer and more revitalized skin.
And then with each day that goes by, you’ll literally see years of aging erased from the skin around your eyes to reveal a beautiful vibrant and radiant gaze…
And take it from me, when your eyes and the skin framing them look younger, you even start to feel younger too…
…You’ll notice a new bounce in your step, your mood will improve, and you’ll be happier. You’ll even notice the aches and pains you’ve had may be fading, or may just disappear altogether.
But my favorite part and John’s biggest promise once you add this cream to your routine?
They won’t be able to hold back the compliments.
Because it won’t be just you seeing the difference... they’ll say you look 10, 15 or more years younger, and then ask you for your secret…
…and when you tell them, they won’t believe that it’s so easy!
And it really is easy – you simply apply Hers Ageless Eye Cream around the area of the eyes once a day and let it work.
It won’t take long before you join all the women now raving about Hers Ageless Eye Cream because of their incredible results…
Yet, I’ve got a special surprise for you that makes Hers Ageless Eye Cream even BETTER at restoring your new youthful eyes…
The Firm-Lift Complex breakthrough is the foundation of a tightening, lifting, and anti-aging cream packed with an additional SIX more incredible eye rejuvenating ingredients
See, John only agreed to offer his eye restoring breakthrough to every woman in America if he could make it as effective as possible.
In fact, he told me “if we’re going to do this, we’re not holding anything back. I’ve been working on making the Firm-Lift Complex even MORE powerful. And trust me, the results of my new enhanced formula will be absolutely breathtaking”.
By this point, he’d begun to look through Biotech research databases and little-known studies to find the most promising ingredients.
And in fact, he’d identified powerful ingredients that would become even more effective when combined with others…
Because individually, science proves their effectiveness , but when combined, they work beautifully to
give you even more youthful and radiant looking eyes…
Some of these ingredients you may have heard of, some you haven’t…
It took John months of more trial-and-error, but he finally created the perfect combination of ingredients.
Today you’ll find ALL of them in Hers Ageless Eye Cream.
And I understand…I know you want to get this in your hands as soon as possible, but I'm genuinely thrilled about its benefits. So If you'd indulge me a moment longer, I'd love to share them with you right now.
The first incredible bonus has been called the
“building block of skin”...
Peptide Moisture Matrix
A combination of powerful anti-aging amino acids known as the Peptide Moisture Matrix. And when this compound is included in a cream, it’s , and here’s why:
First it’s important to understand these amino acids (Betaine, Sodium PCA, Sodium Lactate, and Pyroglutamic Acid) are the building blocks of proteins in the skin, which are collagen, elastin, and keratin… And when the Peptide Moisture Matrix is applied directly to the skin, it helps to create more of these proteins.
And on top of that, the Peptide Moisture Matrix by promoting healing and even reducing the appearance of scars on the skin.
In fact research has shown that the Peptide Moisture Matrix “significantly impacts the appearance of the skin.. are important nutrients required for healing, promotion and repair of the damaged skin” and also provides “water retention in cellular layers”.
What this basically means is that these amino acids stimulate production of collagen, elastin and keratin, while also hydrating, and healing the skin… helping to give you a healthy and youthful glow.
The second powerful ingredient is often called the “next-generation of exfoliators”...
suitable for even the most sensitive skin types
This powerful yet gentle ingredient dissolves dead skin cells and reduces fine lines and discoloration from the skin and it does this delicately so that there’s no skin irritation.
You see, this ingredient promotes “cell turnover”, and when that happens, the
It’s a nutrient called Gluconolactone that helps improve skin texture and tone to enhance the skin's natural radiance around the eyes.
What’s more, studies have shown that it “presents soothing effects” and furthermore “improves the function of the skin barrier.”
The next two ingredients work with EACH OTHER
to become even more effective at
hydrating and reducing wrinkles and fine lines
Rosa Canina Fruit Oil
Rosa Canina Fruit Oil has been known for its healing properties for thousands of years and in fact was first used by the Ancient Egyptians to treat a variety of skin conditions. Because of its richness in essential fatty acids and antioxidants this oil is integral for tissue and cell regeneration in the eyes’ skin.
On top of that, Rosa Canina Fruit Oil is also rich in vitamin C, it acts as a powerful antioxidant helping to caused by too much sun.
When combined with Rosa Canina Fruit Oil, Squalene helps make the skin around the eyes more soft, supple and pliable… replenishing the skin's natural oils while
As a matter of fact, this nutrient works so amazingly well that studies by the Cleveland Clinic noted that it even “helps slow down the signs of aging when it comes to your skin”.
And then John added this next Flower extract known for its anti-inflammatory properties…
Chamomilla Recutita
(Matricaria) Flower Extract
The reason this nutrient was included in Hers Ageless Eye Cream is it “tops off” the puffiness reduction effects of every other ingredient inside…
…because the powerful anti-inflammatory effects of Chamomile extract helps to
This “wonder” nutrient has so many benefits that go even beyond helping the delicate skin around your eyes because it's also used as an antioxidant to keep your cells young by protecting your heart, brain, and other vital organs against chronic diseases.
And then the final compound John selected for Hers Ageless Eye Cream is…
Ascorbyl Glucoside - 3 Glyceryl Ascorbate Compound
Incredibly, Ascorbyl Glucoside breaks down into pure vitamin C… which is important because it offers antioxidant protection against free radicals,
…And then 3-Glyceryl Ascorbate, the other half of this compound, works in beautiful harmony because it also “strengthens” mature skin, helping to restore the delicate skin of the eyes for a youthful and radiant look and feel.
With the Firm-Lift Complex breakthrough,
and the SIX other potent ingredients you’ve seen,
you can finally reverse 20 years of aging eyes
in as little as 7 days
So to just recap…
The root cause for under-eye bags, a 'hollow' appearance, and weary, drooping eyes is because of slower blood circulation which causes a never-ending cycle of puffiness, sagging, and wrinkles – otherwise known as SDL (Skin Degradation Loop)...
…and John’s Lift-Firm Complex corrects this by stimulating blood flow to deliver important nutrients to the eyes' skin…
…and when these ingredients are absorbed into the skin, then the puffiness is replaced with smoother and more even-toned skin, the skin surrounding the eyes becomes firmer and tighter, and the wrinkles around the corners and under the eyes are erased.
With Hers Ageless Eye Cream you can have:
Brighter, vibrant, and more radiant looking eyes…
Smoother under-eye skin by eliminating puffiness and
under-eye bags…
Fuller and more beautiful
eyes as the surrounding skin tightens and elevates
Eyes that are wider and more radiant because of the skins enhanced firmness
A more youthful gaze because the fine lines of the skin surrounding
the eyes have been erased.
And you can have all of this WITHOUT a high-end price tag.
Now you’ve heard my story…
…and you’ve seen first-hand how hundreds of women are already raving about the Lift-Firm Complex breakthrough…
… and you’ve seen the proven-science behind every ingredient inside Hers Ageless Eye Cream…
So, here’s something for you to consider…
In 30 days from today, one of these two things will happen…
…You’ll either be 30 days older with skin around the eye area that’s only getting worse, or you’ll be 30 days older starting to look 5, 10 and even 15 years younger.
The reason I ask… is because I’m about to share a difficult truth – and I'd hate to see you miss this chance.
The truth is, if you don’t get your hands on Hers Ageless Eye Cream today then nothing will change. In fact, you’ll keep looking older and more tired with each day that goes by.
New wrinkles around the eyes will appear…
The eyes' skin will droop a bit more…
The puffiness under your eyes will be a little more noticeable each morning…
And you’ll become less and less visible to other people.
But you know what? It doesn’t need to be like this.
It’s all because of John’s Firm-Lift Complex breakthrough, and the six other potent nutrients, inside Hers Ageless Eye Cream.
And here’s some great news:
Because you’ve proven you’re committed to rejuvenating your eyes by reading this far, the next batch has been reserved for readers of this letter.
And here’s some great news:
Because you’ve proven you’re committed to rejuvenating your eyes by reading this far, the next batch has been reserved for readers of this letter.
The next 500 bottles of Hers Ageless Eye Cream
are reserved for women who read this letter…
but you must act before we run out of stock!
Please note, there’s a set number of bottles that can be shipped out in any single week due to limited production…
…and because Hers Ageless Eye Cream is produced in small batches to ensure the highest quality, it can also mean months between those batches…
In fact, because it’s so powerful and sought-after, demand often outpaces supply. Sometimes stock runs out and women are forced to wait until the next batch is ready.
Now I don’t want you to miss out…
As long as you’re one of the first 500 women who order today, you’ll receive your bottle of Hers Ageless Eye Cream.
And even though we’re holding your bottle of Hers Ageless Eye Cream, the only thing we can’t do is hold it for long.
The first time we did this, we sold out within a week.
So if you’re someone who’s suffering from under-eye bags, and if you’re someone whose eyes are looking dull, droopy and tired, and if you’re someone who’s ready to get their self-confidence back…
…then you’ve already made the decision, otherwise you wouldn’t have read this far.
So let’s take everything we’ve just said about how you’ll rejuvenate your eyes, and how you’ll eliminate your puffiness, and how you’ll restore your youthful gaze…
Let’s Make It A Reality That You’ll Reverse At Least 10 Years Of ‘Aging Eyes', Or You Won’t Pay A Penny!
And all that starts as soon as you get your 1st bottle so you can start applying it.
We’ll get your order of Hers Ageless Eye Cream in the mail as soon as you reserve your bottle.
It usually takes 4 - 5 days to arrive.
And when the delivery arrives at your doorstep, I’m sure you’ll want to rip open the package and try it immediately!
So, go ahead.
Apply it to the skin around your eyes. And then apply it every morning.
You’ll notice a difference with each day that goes by.
You’ll start to see the puffiness fade away...
Your wrinkles around your eyes will feel like they’re being erased in real-time. And your eyes will look as radiant and vibrant as they did when you were in your 20's.
Within the first month, people will be telling you that you’ve never looked so good, and they’ll see the sparkle in your eyes.
And I’m sure you’ll agree, it’s something you’ll never want to go without again.
Because once you notice how much more youthful your eyes have become, you’ll only wish you’d discovered this sooner…
Yet, if you’re not 100% amazed…
If family and friends AREN’T commenting on your stunning appearance…
Then you have the promise of a full, prompt refund at any point within your first 180 days of using Hers Ageless Eye Cream.
You won’t need to give a reason. Simply put, you ONLY pay if you’re totally convinced it works for you.
Sound fair to you? Then place your order of Hers Ageless Eye Cream by clicking the button below. You’ll be taken to an order page to review your order.
Complete Your Order Today
and Get 2 Incredible Gifts! + FREE SHIPPING
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Embark on a flavorful journey with our collection of delightful recipes, uniquely designed to cater to both your taste buds and your skin’s health!
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Per Bottle
SAVE $110.00
Regularly $159.00
Total: $49.00
180 day money back guarantee
Per Bottle
SAVE $360.00
Regularly $477.00
Total: $117.00
180 day money back guarantee
Per Bottle
SAVE $616.00
Regularly $795.00
Total: $179.00
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You risk nothing by trying Hers Ageless Eye Cream today,
yet you could look better than ever before!
Of course, I’m convinced you’re going to see life-changing results in 30 days.
In fact, I’m living proof of it!
Yet, the best results come from longer use… that’s when your results go from great to INCREDIBLE.
You see, after just a few months, people will begin to mistake you for a woman half your age.
And your friends will BEG you to share your bottle of Hers Ageless Eye Cream with them. In fact, they’ll pay you any price for it!
And after a few months, don’t be surprised if a younger man approaches you. Of course, I’d never date a younger man, but it’s a nice compliment to be noticed!
Bottomline is, the longer you use this cream the better your results and the brighter, firmer, and more revitalized eyes you’ll have.
And we’ve made it as easy as possible to get the full, eye de-puffing, skin tightening and firming effects from Hers Ageless Eye Cream.
When you order today, you have the choice of a 1-month, 3-months or 5-months supply.
Of course, you’re welcome to choose any option, though the biggest discount is by securing your 5-months supply.
That’s because I want you to experience the BEST results possible -- just like hundreds of American women are doing right now.
Once again, shipping is FREE.
And you’re covered by a 180-day money-back-guarantee. So even at the end of a 5-months supply, you’re able to get a full refund if you’re not thrilled with your new youthful looking set of eyes.
Click the “ORDER NOW” button below to be taken to a secure checkout page.
You can reclaim your radiant, youthful and sparkling eyes back and become the envy of your friends for the cost of a take-out dinner. So why not?
I urge you: claim one of the 500 bottles available today.
Click the “ORDER NOW” button below immediately.
I can’t wait to hear your success story,
Per Bottle
SAVE $110.00
Regularly $159.00
Total: $49.00
180 day money back guarantee
Per Bottle
SAVE $360.00
Regularly $477.00
Total: $117.00
180 day money back guarantee
Per Bottle
SAVE $616.00
Regularly $795.00
Total: $179.00
180 day money back guarantee
Copyright 2023 - Hers Ageless - All Rights Reserved
The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.